[Shinzi Katoh] Walking Literature series: Lemon by Kajii Motojiro
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Lemon is a collection of short stories by Japanese author Kajii Motojiro (1901-1932) — many of his works. This is an excerpt:
"On that day, I was unusually doing my shopping at that particular shop. In doing so, I discovered a most rare lemon. Lemons are pretty common. This shop was not particularly shabby, no different to any other greengrocer and so I had not spent time browsing here before. Oh how I loved this lemon! The colour of this lemon was exactly like simple, solid lemon yellow paint squeezed right out the tube…taking the form and shape of a spindle…eventually I decided to buy this single item. From here, I wondered where would I go?"
- 15mm x 3m
made in japan